Thursday, May 26, 2011

Parenting for the New Decade

The cost of living in a material world is taking a toll on our children. As parents we are working harder and harder not only for the basic things in life like clothes, food and shelter but most of us are working hard for the latest gadgets. This past Christmas I noticed that almost all the children over 6 seem to know exactly what they want: iPods, Cell phones, Nintendo, PlayStation, Xbox, etc. We cannot blame our children for asking, this is their world and its the one we created for them.
Parents, we know we are guilty. I observe many babies obsessed with cell phones and I use to wonder how that happened. How can your 8 month old be obsessed with your laptop? A baby's whole world is based on repetition, they learn by doing/seeing the same thing over and over again. In other words your baby is as obsessed with your phone as you are. They see you attached to your phone and the ascribe much importance to the same device that you do.
How many of us ever unplug ourselves when we are sitting around the dinner table. If you had a nanny or a sitter you would not want her spending her day checking her email, watching TV or talking on the phone and yet most parents do this. The more plugged in you are via your devices the less you are available to the children. Being in a room doesn't mean your there if your texting or talking or watching that device. Parents can't be parents if their focus is elsewhere while parenting, you can't give it your all if all of you is not in the room. Your children learn from your behavior, the little sponges seep in not only what you say or do with your children but also what you don't say and do. Even if you don't encourage them verbally to seek out the latest gadget, your obsession with it can serve the same purpose.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Whitening Strips for Sensitive Teeth

Are whitening strips for sensitive teeth safe? Healthy teeth seem to become sensitive after teeth whitening procedures, so what about sensitive teeth? This article dwells on what whitening strips are and the different teeth whitening methods for sensitive teeth.

The market is flooded with all kinds of teeth whiteners to preserve the glorious smiles on faces. We have the whitening toothpastes, whitening sprays, whitening strips, non-moldable tray bleaching system, boil and bite bleaching systems, etc. This article dwells on whitening strips for sensitive teeth.

What is a Whitening Strip?

Teeth whitening strips are known to be the second most common type of home teeth whitening. These strips are sheer, almost invisible strips coated with peroxide-based whitening gel, which acts as a bleaching agent. The whitening course using whitening strips consists of a 14 day period, wherein one has to apply the strip onto the teeth for 30 minutes twice a day. Immediate results are seen in some days time and the whitening effect last for about 4 months. It is this instant result phenomenon that causes myriads of people to flock to drug stores in order to buy whitening strips.

Whitening Strips for Sensitive Teeth

Several people experience sensitive teeth after whitening procedures. This sensitivity arises due to the activity of peroxide on the teeth. Teeth begin to respond overly to hot and cold stimulus, for example consumption of hot or cold foods and beverages causes the tooth's nerve to get inflamed. However, the tooth sensitivity experienced is believed to be very mild, not deleterious and recedes in a few days. On the other hand, some people possess extra sensitive teeth, which respond overly to temperature changes. Some people have sensitive teeth because they are born with it, while some develop sensitive teeth due to harsh brushing of teeth. Vigorous and harsh brushing conduces to wearing down of the tooth enamel and revealing of the dentine. Teeth sensitivity also increases with age. Read more on whitening strips: do they work.

People with sensitive teeth, gums, defective restoration, etc. need to be exceedingly careful while selecting a method to bleach their sensitive teeth. Teeth bleaching method must be chosen only after consulting the doctor. Moreover, since whitening strips are made up of peroxide as the whitening agent, people allergic to peroxide should refrain from use of such strips. When healthy teeth become susceptible to sensitization after use of whitening strips, then what can be said about the effect of whitening strips for sensitive teeth. Already sensitive teeth will only get worse by use of whitening strips. Refrain from whitening strips if you have sensitive teeth.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Weight Loss Myths and Facts

People interested in losing weight often get confused by deceptive statements regarding weight loss and do not know what to do. Here is an article where most common myths about weight loss are busted and facts are explained.
When a person makes up his mind to lose weight, he starts doing all sorts of activities in order to fetch immediate results. This hurry makes him try anything and everything for weight loss. There are many thoughts pertaining to losing weight but, how many of them actually work out. Not all, obviously. A person following a wrong advice for weight loss is highly susceptible to a harmful outcome. It is, therefore, essential to know what is right and what is wrong before indulging in something you are unsure of. Following are some myths and facts that I am sure, will help you in understanding the difference.

Myths and Facts of Weight Loss

  • Myth: Consistent eating and exercising will never let you gain weight.

  • Fact: Consistency is not the key to weight loss. As a person grows older, the metabolic capacity of the person reduces. Changes in metabolism are evident after the age of 40 years, after which the metabolic capacity keeps on reducing gradually. Therefore, a person may need to increase exercising or reduce eating to match to changes in the body. Consistent exercising may not help in weight loss in the long run.

  • Myth: Fast food should be completely avoided.

  • Fact: Obviously, cheeseburgers, fries, potato wedges, etc., will have to be avoided, but one does not need to completely put a full stop to fast food. What is required to be done, is to make careful choices in fast foods so as to control the intake of calories in the diet.

  • Myth: Snacking is bad for weight loss.

  • Fact: Snacks are considered bad because people tend to have wafers, candies and cookies during snacks, rather than fresh fruits and vegetables. Snacking actually helps you to eat less by preventing overeating during proper meals. Dietitians also suggest that five small meals per day are better than two heavy meals. Avoiding snacks can lead to excessive intake of calories during meals and disturb your weight loss routine.

  • Myth: Carbohydrates should be avoided.

  • Fact: Foods with carbohydrates should not be avoided completely. Processed carbohydrates usually have a high content of white flour and sugar which should be avoided. But, other foods like whole grain breads, brown rice, beans, etc., can be included in the diet.

  • Myth: Skipping meals help you lose weight.

  • Fact: The body needs certain nutrients everyday for proper functioning. Skipping meals will create a deficiency in the body which will have a negative effect on the body instead of helping you lose weight. Apart from that, it makes you eat more and you end up adding extra calories in your body which are in no way beneficial.

  • Myth: You tend to gain weight if you eat after 8 PM.

  • Fact: Eating time does not cause weight gain. What affects, is the amount of calories you have had throughout the day and the amount of exercising you have done to burn those calories.

  • Myth: Certain foods help in weight loss.

  • Fact: It is often misunderstood that foods like celery and grapefruit help in losing weight. It is true that some foods enhance metabolism in the body but they are not completely responsible for weight loss.

  • Myth: Nuts should be avoided if you want to lose wight.

  • Fact: It is true that nuts have a high calorific content but they are low in saturated fat. As they contain high amount of fiber and protein, they can actually benefit a person if, incorporated in small amounts in the diet.

  • Myth: Red meat makes it difficult to lose weight.

  • Fact: Red meats contain some amount of cholesterol and fat but they also contain other essential nutrients like iron, zinc and protein. Small amount of red meat can be included in the diet to fulfill those needs.

  • Myth: A vegetarian diet helps in weight loss.

  • Fact: It is often seen that people following a vegetarian diet are less in weight as compared to non-vegetarians. However, this does not ensure weight reduction. If a person's choice includes foods with high fat and calorific content, following a vegetarian diet will not help.

Many people tend to register for weight loss programs which claim to help lose weight in very less time. A person interested in such a program should first learn the myths about weight loss programs so that he can take a right decision. Hope this article has been an eye opener and helped you to differentiate between the myths and facts about weight loss.
By Priyanka Sonkushre

Monday, May 2, 2011

Top Tips For A Healthy Heart

Heart disease is the greatest killer in the western world today, but in the majority of cases it can be avoided. Smoking, alcohol consumption, eating too much saturated fat, obesity and lack of exercise (among others) can all have a detrimental effect on our hearts. Let me show you how to take care of yourself and keep your heart in tip-top condition.

Top Tips For A Healthy Heart

Keeping your heart strong and healthy is in your hands, here are a few suggestions to help you look after your heart: -

1. Every Second Counts

As you get older, your heart muscles and vessels go through changes which can harden arteries and you are more at risk of developing other conditions. Things change more rapidly as your body ages, don't put off that sensible diet or new exercise regime another day. Eventually the damage you have done may not be repairable, so every second counts.

2. Keep Control Of Your Calorie Intake

Your diet can have such an impact on your heart, and obesity increases your chances of type 2 diabetes and heart conditions. Cut out all those empty calories (that have no nutritional value) that come from beer and soda. Practice portion control and never eat until you are stuffed again.

3. Eat Your Heart Healthy

Eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as whole grain bread, cereal and pasta. Grill and steam meat, fish and vegetables to keep the goodness in. When it comes to a healthy diet, fresh is always best

4. Listen To Your Body

You need to recognise the warning signs, if your heart is developing problems. If you are suffering chest pains or heart palpitations, shortness of breath or reduced stamina, then get yourself checked out. It is also a good idea to have a cholesterol test, particularly if high cholesterol runs in the family.

5. Avoid A Full Fat Lifestyle

Lots of fatty food in your diet is bad news for your heart, all that saturated fat will soon start blocking your arteries. Start substituting your full-fat foods such as milk, cheese and butter for healthier low-fat alternatives. You should also cut out junk and processed foods in favour of fresh healthy alternatives.

6. Kick Out The Cigs

Smoking is one of the major causes of heart disease and blocks vital arteries to the heart. Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your heart and overall health.

7. Get Active

The heart is just like any other muscle, it needs a good workout on a regular basis. Aerobic exercise that gets the heart beating faster for at least 20 minutes at a time is ideal, such as swimming, running and cycling.

8. Reduce Your Salt Intake

Too much salt is bad for your heart, but I do not think the majority of us realise just how much is contained in food. Avoid at all costs putting extra salt on your food or adding it during cooking, try using herbs and spices to add flavour. Start reading labels and look for foods that are low in salt,

Follow my top tips for a healthy heart, and make looking after your heart a priority in your life.

Article Source:

Keeping Your Hair Looking Healthy

Changing your hair color is one of the many things that individuals these days love. It is one way of expressing yourself. In connection, it is important that you should know how to keep your it looking healthy. This may be very difficult to a lot of individuals to do due to circumstances that they are experiencing but there is always a way to succeed in making your it fabulous.

Hair is one of those things that most individuals take pride off. It is often called as the crowning glory especially in women. It is one of those things that can easily set persons apart from each other. In connection, it is very common for most people to dye or color it. Mostly, this is done to change and enhance a person's appearance. There are also times that this is done to express oneself.

When you color your hair there is a big possibility that you would damage it. There are chemicals that are in it that can be very harmful to the hair. These chemicals typically make the it stiff and dry which would therefore result for it to be brittle and dull looking. Instead of feeling beautiful you would certainly feel and look ugly. The worst thing that can happen is that this can take a toll in your confidence level.

There are a lot of things that you can do to maintain a healthy look. Most individuals think that maintaining one means that you should spend a lot of cash on it. The good news is that there are a lot of ways in which you can have a great dyed healthy hair while spending less. A great way to treat your it is to use some conditioner and oils on it. Conditioners and oils have a good moisturizing effect that can help remove the dryness. When taking a bath you should also use cold water to preserve its color. Another method is to choose a shampoo that is compatible with your dye. There are hair dyes that are only compatible with certain types of shampoos. If these methods are still not effective for you then you should go to the salon so that you can get treated with the experts.

The amount that you must pay to achieve a great look would depend on what method you choose to take. As mentioned earlier there are methods that you can easily do at home by just purchasing conditioners or shampoos which contain special ingredients. This method would typically cost you a few dollars. If you choose to go to a hair salon then this would certainly cost you a higher price since you are paying not only for the products that would be used on you but also for the labor of the person applying them to you.

Having a different hair color is a fun way of showing who you are. It is also a good way to enhance your look. In having hair color it is important that you know how to keep your hair color looking healthy. A healthy look is always a good thing to have especially since appearance is one of the most important things in these days.

Article Source:

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Is Watching 3D Bad For Your Eyes and Health?

Anyone who has ever watched a 3D movie knows that if you take your glasses off it hurts your eyes to watch it, and there may be much more to it than that it seems. What if it hurts your eyes permanently or what if it hurts your mind, as your eyes are connected directly to that, you know? Okay so, this is a good question isn't it? Is watching 3D TV, movies, or 3D commercials on your personal tech devices bad for your health?

There was an interesting article in SlashDot Online News recently titled; "3D Hurts Your Eyes" on July 23, 2011 posted by Timothy where he quotes "sajjadG" which stated;

"A research team at the University of California, Berkeley has determined that viewing content on a stereo 3D display hurts your eyes and brain, noting visual discomfort, fatigue, & headaches. 3D content viewed over a short distance from personal tech devices is more visually uncomfortable when the stereo content is placed in front of the screen. In a movie theater, it's the opposite: Stereo content that is placed behind the screen causes more discomfort than scenes that jump out at you."

Incidentally, after writing on 3D technology over the last good many years, and holographic technology as well, it appears we will be seeing more and more as time goes on. There was also an interesting article in the Review Section of the Wall Street Journal on July 16, 2001 (A Cultural Conversation with Lenny Lipton) titled; A 3-D Maven Weighs In, by Michelle Kung which stated; "If you're going to charge more for a 3-D Movie, you better deliver." Something, I myself have always believed, as I am sure most of us serious movie goers do.

This does bring up another point, that is this; if the movies are done poorly then the 3D movie might hurt your eyes worse, and if the companies making the movies don't care, or get lazy with this technology, they "might" be harming their viewers, and hurting human health. Personally, this makes perfect sense to me, as there have also been other studies with computer monitors with certain types of screens which turned out to be bad for the eyes and brain as well.

Perhaps, there is a lesson here for early adopters of new technologies, as well as those companies always on the leading edge of these technologies. Meanwhile, it's definitely something to consider for those of us in the industry. Please consider all this and think on it.

Article Source:

Best Vitamins For Skin Health - Vitamins To Give You Glowing Healthy Skin

Finding the best vitamins for skin health isn't as difficult as one might imagine. There may be a variety of options to choose from but with just a little bit of information you could be on your way to glowing healthy skin.
Everybody would like radiant and healthy skin. It is a sign of overall good health and well-being. If you have a glow to your skin and you can see it when you look in the mirror it makes you happier plus feel much more confident.
Vitamins For Skin Health
Vitamins C and E
We all know that the sun can cause you great skin damage. It is the ultraviolet rays that are most harmful of all. If you want to naturally help your skin to protect itself from the sun; then you can get appreciable photo-protection from using topical vitamins C and E.
What these topical vitamins will do is prevent the consequences of prolonged sun exposure that can also lead to skin cancer. Many skin care specialists recommend taking 400mg of natural vitamin E per day. This will reduce photo-damage, skin wrinkling and also enhance skin texture.
You can get vitamin C from eating fruits and vegetables such as bell peppers, cauliflower, leafy greens and broccoli. These food stuffs will replace all the vitamin C that your skin naturally loses through the course of everyday life. If you want to take a supplement then 500 to 1000 mg is recommended per day.
Vitamin A
One of the great vitamins for skin health is vitamin A. If you suffer from dry flaky skin then you may lack the required levels of vitamin A. This is because vitamin A is required for skin maintenance and the repair of skin tissue.
Foods rich in vitamin A include sweet potatoes, dark leafy greens, carrots and butter-nut squash. You can find many creams and topical lotions that use vitamin A and they are recommended; as they have been shown to reduce wrinkles, give greater acne control and for some give psoriasis relief.
Vitamin B Complex
There are several B vitamins but the best B vitamin for skin health is biotin. Biotin is a nutrient that forms the basis of skin, nails and hair cells. If you lack biotin then you may end up with dermatitis (an itchy, scaly skin reaction) or it may even lead to hair loss. Even if you have a mild deficiency of biotin it can cause problems.
The foods you need to look to are bananas, eggs, oatmeal and rice to help aid your body that also produces biotin on its own. You can now get topical preparations that contain B vitamins including biotin. These creams will help give your skin a healthy glow, hydrate cells and enhance overall tone too.
Another great vitamin for skin health is the B vitamin niacin which helps retain skin moisture which will help your skin look plumper and younger. Niacin also has ant-inflammatory properties to soothe dry and irritated skin.
In Summary
There are several main key vitamins for skin health that you should be most focused on. You can get most of these vitamins just from a change in diet. However; if you really want to have healthy glowing skin then perhaps using topical lotions rich in these vitamins could be beneficial.
These creams do not have to be expensive. I would suggest going to your local pharmacist and asking which "own brands" the service staff would recommend.

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